Empowering young mums

Young mums received some helpful advice and much needed me-time when attending the second session of a pilot program aimed at empowering indigenous mothers.

The free sessions have been organised by the Central Gippsland Aboriginal Health and Housing Co-operative social emotional wellbeing team.

Wellbeing worker Samantha Morris said the aim of the sessions was to arm women with health and budgeting knowledge and encourage them to seek help early.

“Women really only come to see us in crisis for emergency relief and we’re hoping to empower them out of needing that relief,” Ms Morris said.

“The day is also an opportunity to bond with other young mums and elders in the community and they can get some pampering when we have a beautician in to do manicures.”

Ms Morris said guest speakers UnitingCare energy advisor Brad Kijlstra-Shone spoke about the Federal Government’s Home Energy Saver Scheme and LCHS community health nurse Corina Christie detailed important health checks.

Traralgon mum Louise Welsh said she found the information Mr Kijlstra-Shone provided helpful.

“We talked about how much energy appliances use an hour or a day and how you can save money. He also gave out some information for people who were behind in their bills and how they could help out,” Ms Welsh said.

Her cousin Ashleigh Dalton said she took some time from work to go and “see what was going on and get my nails done”.

Both mums agreed they would be able to use what they had learned.

Ms Morris said the team would assess the success of the program to decide if it continued.

The next session of the indigenous young mums group is Wednesday, 24 July.

Those interested in finding out more can phone 5136 5100.