Pampering to relieve stress

Stressed Morwell residents affected by the Hazelwood mine fire were treated to a day of therapy and pampering at the town’s Neighbourhood House on Friday.

The Soroptimist International Group of Gippsland-organised event offered free massage, reiki, reflexology, kinesiology, and other healing and relaxation therapies as part of their contribution to the community recovery process.

Soroptimist International Group of Gippsland club president Samantha Brick said upon receiving a $500 donation from a Melbourne-based sister club who wanted to contribute to the Morwell recovery, local club members wanted to do something early and practical to provide support and assistance to the Latrobe Valley community.

“We decided that a well-being recovery day, where people can come and receive some practical therapeutic assistance may help people to deal with the stresses of recovery”, she said.

“A lot of people have said they really needed something to help with the stress and feel a bit more alive and positive, rather than all of the negativity that has been going on.”

Morwell resident Kimberly Lovett said the fire had been stressful for her with an asthmatic son, and thought the ‘well-being day’ was a “fantastic” idea.

“It’s a nice thing for mums because they’ve been doing so much hard work trying to keep their kids occupied while the smoke is around. Something to give back to us is good… it’s very rewarding,” Ms Lovett said.

Ms Brick said she was thankful to the 10 therapists involved who accepted a very small payment for their expenses.

“They have basically donated half a day of their time to this cause and we sincerely thank them for their contribution.”