HEAVY rain did not deter proceedings at Moe Racing Club on Thursday.
While the region was lashed with wild weather and flooding, Moe completed a nine-race program.
Although rain fell continuously throughout the meeting, industry representatives, jockeys, trainers, and course commentators were full of praise as to how well the StrathAyr sand-based track performed, which allowed the entire program to be completed in severely inclement conditions.
The club recorded a total of 15 millimetres fall prior to the meeting and 36ml throughout.
Moe was plagued with cancelled meetings after heavy rain in the years leading up to 2014.
The committee at that stage took the attitude that ‘enough was enough’ and made the ambitious decision to spend $5 million on an all-weather sand based StrathAyr surface.
Racing Minister for Victoria Martin Pakula, Racing Victoria and Country Racing Victoria supported Moe Racing Club’s decision and assisted with funding.
Moe Racing Club borrowed $3.5 million to allow the project to be completed and racing on the new track commenced in 2016.
The debt has since been repaid in full and after getting through last Thursdays meeting unscathed, it is clear the investment was money well spent.
It took 12 months for the new track to consolidate but since that time Moe has not lost a meeting due to inclement weather.
The sand-based track is designed to allow continuous drainage to occur and prevent surface water laying on the track.