TCB Living to Thrive, helping out those in need.

TCB Living to Thrive
Helping hand for all a TCB Living to Thrive

Jaci Hicken

TCB Living to Thrive
Helping hand for all a TCB Living to Thrive

A new outreach coffee hub has opened in Moe, helping underprivileged residents of the area.

TCB Living to Thrive founder and
chairperson Tracy Kippen said there was a need for
community support services, especially in the areas of domestic violence awareness and advocacy.

“I basically had a bright idea four years ago that people needed help,” Ms Kippen said.

“We decided to open up the coffee hub as a place for people, who feel socially isolated, can come to without any judgment.”

TCB Living to Thrive coffee hub
Tracy Kippen, the founder of TCB Living To Thrive, with manager Deb Mason in the new coffee hub on Moore St, Moe.

The service has recently moved from the former GEST building (old Moe Library) to a seven days a week operation at 81 Moore St, Moe.

“Anyone can turn up for a coffee. All monies made through the coffee hub go directly back into providing services for those in need,” she said.

TCB Living To Thrive also runs a Foodbank service, with staff and volunteers on hand to assist people when they are in need.

“We are open to anyone, as we don’t ask for a health care card for someone to receive help, as even working people still need help,” she said.

“Between 25 and 30 people have been accessing the Foodbank each week and now that we have more space, we have opened up the foodbank Mondays and Tuesdays.”

TCB Living to Thrive is partly self-funded and has received a couple of grants, with the food for the Foodbank donated by a local church and occasionally local businesses.

If anyone would like to help or donate to TCB Living to Thrive, visit the community organisation’s page on Facebook.

TCB volunteers
TCB Living to thrive volunteers Susan McRae and Andrew Elms.