Morwell pursuit

Police have arrested a 57 year-old Traralgon man after a short pursuit in Morwell on Tuesday in response to reports a vehicle was driving erratically on Princes Drive about 10.15pm.

Officers observed the vehicle perform a u-turn over a double line on Commercial Road and proceed east through a red light at the intersection of Commercial Road and McDonald Street. A pursuit was activated and the motorist pulled over shortly afterwards.

There were no injuries sustained during the chase. The man’s vehicle was impounded under the hoon legislation laws and he was arrested after refusing a Preliminary Breath Test. He is expected to be charged with refusing a PBT and other dangerous driving offences.

Weekend assaults

TWO separate incidences of assault were reported on Saturday, with one victim requiring hospitalisation.

In the first incident, a house in Hunter Street, Moe, was broken into by a 40 year-old man at 4.30am.

The man allegedly forced entry into the house using a hammer and assaulted a male occupant with the implement.

The victim, a 30 year-old man from Yallourn North, sustained head injuries and multiple bruising about his body.

He was hospitalised but has since been discharged.

Police believe the assault was domestic-related, and are still looking for the offender, who is described as being Caucasian, six-foot, four inches and of a solid build, with a shaved head.

The second incident took place in Traralgon abut 9.40pm.

A Traralgon taxi was dispatched to Victory Park to pick up three men, who then asked to be taken to Morwell.

A short time later, the driver was allegedly assaulted with an iron bar and the offenders took off with a quantity of money. The victim was shaken but suffered no serious injuries. Police are also looking for the offenders.

Witnesses or anyone with information should phone Senior Detective Peter Johnston at the Latrobe Criminal Investigation Unit on 5131 5000.

Burglary incident

Police are seeking assistance from the public regarding two separate burglary incidents which took place early last week.

In the first incident, a house on Amaroo Street in Churchill was burglarised overnight on 21 February after unknown offenders entered the house through a window. They removed several items valued in excess of $5000 including a laptop computer, desktop computer, flatscreen television, lawnmower and jewellery including gold chains and bracelets.

In the second incident, a daytime robbery took place in Church Street, Traralgon. Unknown offenders took jewellery, alcohol, a stereo system and cash from the house.

Those with information should phone Senior Constable Ben Bow at Latrobe Criminal Investigation Unit on 5131 5000.

Fake car-jacking to police

Three youths from Hazelwood North, Morwell and Langford were charged with making a false report to the police after they alleged they were carjacked on the night of 24 February at Hazelwood North.

One youth made a statement to the police, who then investigated the incident and found it to be a hoax.

The vehicle, which was found a short distance from the reported carjacking incident, was believed to have been accidentally run off the road.

The three youth were aged between 17 and 19 years.