Delayed outage begins

A planned 45-day outage at Loy Yang Power, delayed last month for operation reasons, has now commenced.

The major 87-shift outage, to overhaul Dredger 14, commenced this week with positioning and cleaning of the machine, according to the company.

The outage is expected to involve 15,000 on-site work hours.

Contractors undertaking most of the outage works are TWPS, Belle Banne and Veolia.

Specialised sub contractors will also be used for on-site machining and scaffolding, while MEX will work on overhauling the Dredger 14 steering crew assembly.

Some of the more significant works on the dredger will include removing, overhauling and reinstating its digging unit steering assembly. Bucket wheel repairs will take place and the amenities of the dredger will be improved. Structural repairs will also be carried out and an independent structural inspection, which started earlier in the year, is expected to be completed, LYP said.

LYP has also awarded new two-year contracts for power station on-site drafting services. The contracts, with Claxton Design for mechanical drafting and Optimum for electrical drafting, were awarded after a review of drafting contract arrangements and works management processes, according to LYP.

The Loy Yang Report said panel contracts would be maintained with local drafting providers for “additional support”. The contracts will start in May.

Mining rehabilitation program

LYP’s land rehabilitation program has so far seen more than 200 hectares rehabilitated to its pre-mining condition, including a mix of grazing land and native vegetation, LYP said.

Superintendent Environment and Earth Sciences John Missen said under LYP’s mining licence land must be returned to the same condition or better than it was before mining began.

“Before we started mining here, the land was predominantly used as farmland and grazing,” Mr Missen said.

“Once mining operations are complete, we must return the land to an equally usable form.