A quick flash in the trees prompted Adam Field to record the flashover which caused a power outage across areas of Gippsland this morning.
Mr Field was travelling to work via Monash Way at 7.30am when he first noticed what he thought was a lightning flash.
“I was on my way back from a delivery for work and saw a quick flash in the trees and pulled over and pulled out the camera and it all sort of happened in front of me,” Mr Field said.
“First it was just like a lightning flash so the whole sky lit up blue and there was a series of five smaller explosions, I’m not sure where they came from.”
Mr Field continued to drive down Monash Way towards Morwell and saw power lines on the ground outside the terminal station, but advised he saw no one at the terminal station, there were no lines strewn across the road and there was only very light traffic.
“I just saw the explosions and came down the road a bit further on and saw the lines on the ground,” he said.
“There was no immediate danger to anyone, it was set back in the paddock so I got out of the way and kept going.”