Jobs to go at LCHS

Up to 16  positions will be made redundant at Latrobe Community Health service, the organisation has this morning revealed.

LCHS chief executive Ben Leigh said there had been a “contraction” of the health service’s income over the past year and this was as a result of reductions in state and federal government funding.

“Most notably, the Federal Government has now deferred the National Partnership Agreement for Adult Dental Services until 2015-16,” Mr Leigh said.

“This has resulted in a $1.6 million reduction in our dental funding.”

Mr Leigh said dental assistant, dental technician, dental prosthetist and counsellor positions would be made redundant, along with administrative positions.

“Staff members that are made redundant will be fully supported through the coming weeks.

“As part of the redundancy process, Latrobe Community Health Service will engage with the relevant unions.”

Mr Leigh said the organisation had done “everything possible” to ensure “minimal impact” on services to its clients.

“The reduction in administrative staffing is a reflection of our efforts to cut costs and retain as many frontline staff as possible,” he said.

“While we have a reduced number of dental staff, I’m confident Latrobe Community Health Service will continue to provide excellent health services to the community.

“It is extremely hard to see capable staff leave the organisation. Redundancies are always the last option. But this difficult decision will complement the broader efforts by Latrobe Community Health Service to stretch income as far as possible to help the community.”

More to come.