The Rosedale RSL sub-branch has celebrated a historic occasion, officially reinstating its sub-branch after folding years ago.
Victorian RSL chief executive Michael Annett presented the charter to newly-elected Rosedale RSL president Robert Newton on Thursday, and praised members for their enthusiasm despite “hassles” during the procedure.
“It was a pleasure to open the branch as only two sub-branches have either been formed or reformed in the last 18 years,” Mr Annett said.
Supporter and Maffra RSL president Lindsay Morton, who played a pivotal role supporting membership, made the opening speech outlining the efforts made by the community to re-establish the RSL. This included the signing of about 50 members on Maffra RSL’s books to be transferred when the charter was awarded.
“We were pleased to be a part of the sub-branch reforming and to see it come to fruition,” Mr Morton said.
A short history of the Rosedale Hall, which was built by World War Two veterans, was also given by Rosedale RSL Women’s Auxiliary member of 50 years, Molly Anderson.
She and fellow auxiliary member Margaret Lobley were also recognised for their campaign to re-establish membership and stop the sale of the hall.
“I’m ecstatic that it’s (RSL) started again. I’m the only widow left that had anything to do with the building,” Ms Anderson said.
“It was a very successful and lovely occasion to remember (meeting). Everyone was so happy for us. We’ve achieved our aim.”
Sub-branches represented included Morwell, Traralgon, Heyfield, Fish Creek, Maffra, Stratford and Moe.