Mould levels ‘completely safe’at Moe call centre

A GOVERNMENT call centre in Moe has been declared safe to work in from tomorrow, following the detection of mould over a week ago.

According to a Department of Health and Human Services Victoria spokesperson, an occupational hygienist assessed the Ollerton Avenue building and found mould levels were “completely safe and within acceptable ranges”.

“Over the weekend the air-conditioning system will be disinfected to complement existing regular air quality checks, and the office given a clean as it has not been used for a week,” the spokesperson said on Friday.

“Staff who have been temporarily transferred to other offices will return to the office as rostered on Tuesday morning.”

The call centre was closed on 25 February after a report found mould levels “higher than they should be”, prompting the department to order more testing of the building.

One hundred and forty staff are employed at the centre, which takes public housing-related calls, with about 50 to 60 people in the building at any one time.

All employees who would usually be working at Moe were still being paid, and many worked from the department’s Traralgon office during the building’s closure.

Community and Public Sector Union spokesman Julian Kennelly said the union would speak with staff next week.