VicRoads is inviting community input on ways to improve Victoria’s approach to managing traffic noise and ensure it is kept to a reasonable level on roads.
An online consultation hub has been launched and is open for contributions until midnight on Sunday, 19 April.
A two-phase approach will be undertaken.
Phase one will seek community input and ideas to inform the development of a discussion paper to understand issues and ideas for the management of traffic noise.
Phase two is expected to begin later this year when the discussion paper is released for comment and further community consultation.
VicRoads environmental strategy director Dr Helen Murphy said VicRoads was aware there was an increasing awareness and community concern regarding the impact of traffic noise.
“VicRoads is keen to work with the community to ensure an appropriate policy is developed to address these concerns.
“It is inevitable that as Victoria’s towns and cities grow more traffic uses our roads.
“By working together with the community we can develop a policy that ensures traffic noise is kept to a reasonable level and that there is a focus on reducing noise at locations where it is loudest.”
People can provide their input by visiting the Traffic Noise Consultation Hub at, or you can call 9854 2984, leave us a message, including your name and address and we’ll send you a questionnaire.