LATROBE Valley residents are invited to a water testing training session in Traralgon on Saturday to learn about Environment Protection Authority Victoria’s Citizen Science program.
The program aims to encourage the community to actively protect the environment, and recruits volunteers to monitor and share water, air and environmental data in the area.
Participants will use water testing kits to monitor water quality in the region, with collected data to be shared with EPA and the community.
EPA Latrobe Valley Citizen Science coordinator Carolyne Boothman said participants had access to a variety of scientific equipment, with eight schools and seven locals already involved.
“The program has received strong support from the community,” Ms Boothman said.
“It’s great to see so many people wanting to contribute to environmental protection.”
The event will be held at Traralgon’s Federation Training campus, Princes Highway on Saturday from 9.30am to 12.30pm.
Lunch will be provided after the morning session, followed by a WaterWatch quality assurance training session from 1pm to 4pm.
This will be held at the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority, Hotham Street, Traralgon.
Potential citizen scientists will have to complete this session to be part of EPA’s Citizen Science program.
All residents are invited to attend and registration is not necessary, but participants should take a pen, notepad and a snack for morning tea.
For more information phone Carolyne Boothman at EPA Traralgon on 0417 176 365 or email