Town’s future is in your hands, Morwell

Morwell’s redesign is in the making with new city entrances and urban streetscapes as the Future Morwell project gets underway.

A four-and-a-half day community consultation session at the former Spotlight building will begin on Thursday, 30 April from 6.30pm.

It is all part of a community-led initiative, which will see Morwell residents, workers and businesses have their say on what the future of Morwell looks like.

Morwell and District Community Recovery Committee chair Carolyne Boothman said funding constraints and finalising contracts delayed progress, but it was great to get the community involved.

“We’re challenging them to think about where the centre of Morwell is, where the heart of Morwell is and what that could be,” Ms Boothman said.

“For too long there has been a lot of disjointed activities and we want to see one activity that will bring the community together.”

The initial consultation will see the project’s committee members – made up of RMIT University, Latrobe City and Morwell community groups – invite the general public to workshop ideas.

RMIT University associate professor and ReActivate Latrobe Valley co-director Rosalea Monacella said the key focus areas would be Morwell’s identity, town centre and city entrances.

“It’s an open-house scenario where we’re building the ideas that come through from the community,” Ms Monacella said.

“There will be an exhibition of work that the community can respond to and be informed with.

“It is a forum to actually hear people’s ideas, but it is a call to action for the community to get involved and make change to their Morwell and their future Latrobe Valley,” she said.

The community will first notice physical transformations at the old railway bridge entrance and some sections of Morwell’s central business district, which might include a town circuit.

The urban design of Future Morwell will gradually be developed for the remainder of the year.

With little more than $1 million to begin the project, Ms Monacella said the committee would work with what they had and continue advocating for more funding.

“If change is going to happen, not one person or one group can make that change,” Ms Monacella said.

“If we’re going to get a paradigm shift for Morwell and the community, we need all members to get involved.”

Those wishing to have their say are invited to sign up at the ReActivate Latrobe Valley store on Morwell’s Commercial Road or attend the launch on 30 April.

To keep updated on the project’s progress, visit the ‘Future Morwell’ Facebook page.

The Future Morwell committee expects works to begin next year.

What: Community Consultation

Where: Former Spotlight building at 190 Commercial Road, Morwell


Thursday, 30 April

6.30pm – 9pm: Community launch and general access

Friday, 1 May

Noon – 2pm: General access

Saturday, 2 May

10am – noon: Workshop #1 with local community organisations and residents

Noon – 6pm: General access

Sunday, 3 May

10am – noon: Workshop #2 with local community organisations and residents

Noon – 2pm: General access

Monday, 4 May

Noon – 2pm: General access

The public is welcome to drop in and have a look at the work on display and share their ideas