Mine fire inquiry timeline set

FURTHER details of community consultation and public hearings for the re-opened Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry have been released.

According to the inquiry’s website, Latrobe Valley community consultation sessions will be held between 17 and 19 August for the health impacts and between 4 and 6 August and 19 and 23 October for the terms of reference relating to mine rehabilitation.

However, exact dates, times and locations are yet to be determined.

Public hearings in relation to some aspects for the terms of reference relating to health and mine rehabilitation will be held between 1 and 4 September and 1 and 4 December, respectively.

Written submissions can be lodged until 3 August for health and 17 August for mine rehabilitation.

Submissions can be made online at www.hazelwoodinquiry.vic.gov.au, by mail PO Box 24, Flinders Lane, VIC 8009 or via email info@hazelwoodinquiry.vic.gov.au