Lyons shares his vision

Willow Grove resident David Lyons has declared his candidacy for East Ward in the 2016 Baw Baw Shire Council elections.

Mr Lyons has put his hat in the ring because he wishes to see the economic, social and cultural development of the community continue, while ensuring the assets and services of Baw Baw Shire are maintained not just for current need, but for future generations.

“Our public libraries, including the mobile library service, deliver benefits worth nearly three times the cost of running them but are in need of some long-term funding for future growth, including the need for a community library hub to be created in Trafalgar,” he said.

The 33 year-old also raised population growth as a continuing challenge to the area.

“We have some of the best farming land in West Gippsland, so need to ensure agriculture and horticulture activities can continue to contribute to our local economy, but we also need to consider where we can offer a range of residential opportunities and how to maintain our community identities as we grow,” he said.

“As growth occurs in our area we need to ensure we have the infrastructure and services that support community life from footpaths, walking tracks and roads to the arts, recreation and support services.”

Mr Lyons said he was looking forward to working with the community, if elected, to get the services and infrastructure needed to prosper and grow.

Mr Lyons was raised and began his youth work career in Melbourne’s western suburbs.

He eventually discovered an employment opportunity in Trafalgar and then lived in Yarragon and now Willow Grove.