Latrobe City Council will trial live streaming of its council meetings via the Facebook live capability, from this evening.
Acting chief executive Steven Piasente said the trial was part of council’s exploration of new ways to offer a more permanent arrangement for the live streaming of meetings.
“Live streaming has the potential to give the community more access to council meetings,” Mr |Piasente said.
Mr Piasente said council chose the Facebook streaming capacity because it offered a free, relatively simple and broad-reaching channel to gauge the level of community interest.
“We already have a substantial following on our coporate page, over 7000 likes, and the technology allows for live streaming onto mobile and desktop devices,” he said.
“Although Monday night’s broadcast will not be interactive, meaning council will not respond to comments or questions, we will analyse the results to incorporate them into council’s broader considerations of a more permanent arrangement for continuing to offer live streaming of council meetings.”
Tonight’s meeting will start at 6pm.
Head to Latrobe City Council’s Facebook page to view the stream.