Power prediction wrong

Victorian Energy Minister Lily D’Ambrosio’s prediction that diesel-powered generators would not be needed to bolster the state’s electricity supply has been proven wrong.

In March this year, Ms D’Ambrosio told Fairfax Media the state government would not consider implementing diesel-powered generators to shore up the state’s electricity supply this summer.

“We’re not considering any diesel back-up because we are building the generation and storage necessary to protect Victorian consumers,” Ms D’Ambrosio said at the time.

Then, in an interview with Macquarie Radio on September 6, Ms D’Ambrosio reassured Victorians while energy supply would be “tight”, the government was not considering diesel-powered generators as a solution to prop up the electricity grid this summer.

But following the Australian Electricity Market Operator’s announcement last week it would install 105 one megawatt diesel-powered generators at the former Energy Brix site in Morwell this summer, Ms D’Ambrosio said she supported the national energy regulator’s decision.

“The national energy market operator is doing exactly what it should – putting measures in place to ensure Victorian households and businesses have enough supply over summer,” Ms D’Ambrosio said.

“Close to 2000 megawatts of additional resources will be available over the summer, which more than replaces Hazelwood’s capacity.”

She said the generators would act as an insurance to help manage extreme events including damage to the network from accidents and severe weather.

Ms D’Ambrosio did not respond to questions asked by The Express about whether the state government would undertake consultation with the Latrobe Valley community during or after the implementation of the generators.

However, she said she had been informed community consultation regarding the proposal was taking place.