Become a girl guide

Fun: Traralgon Girl Guides are excited to welcome new members. photograph supplied

Alyssa Fritzlaff

LATROBE Valley Girl Guides are preparing for another fun-filled year.

The Traralgon Girl Guides are launching a new fourth unit, for girl aged five to seven years
old, ensuring all ages can take advantage of the opportunities Girl Guides offers.

Girl Guides region manager Amanda Clark said this is primarily due to the significant growth the Traralgon Girl Guides have experienced over the last 12 months.

“We went from 16 girls to 36 girls… and we had six or seven year olds in with the nine year olds, they’re at a different developmental age,” she said.

“We’ve already managed to get something like 11 girls registered for the new unit to start next week.”

Similar activities will be offered for this unit as other units in the Girl Guides, however they will be targeted towards their developmental stage.

“We want the girls to have a say over what they get out of their program. We want to start building their skills from a really young age, so they get to have a say in what they are doing and learning.”

Morwell Girl Guides will be kicking of the new year on Monday, February 8 with a water fight night. Both new and old girl guides are welcome.

Additionally, both groups are looking forward to their first big camp of the year in early March.

They are set to visit Coonawarra, where they will engage in activities aimed at improving confidence, resilience and friendships. Canoeing, horse-riding and abseiling are on the agenda for this fun-filled getaway.

Other fun camps are on the cards for the remainder of the year, with state wide camps and
other fun activities.

The Newborough Girl Guides are hosting a ‘Come and Try Girl Guides’ day for $10 this Saturday for girls aged six and over.

Parents are required to stay for the evening and girls will be required to bring a packed lunch.

“You can stay in your comfort zone, and that’s okay… but if you push that comfort zone just a little bit beautiful things happen,” Ms Clark said.

“That’s usually when people have the most fun, they create amazing friendships and memories.

“So if you’re a little bit unsure (about joining Girl Guides) that’s okay, come and give it a go. You might just be surprised.”

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