The ultimate rush

The Southern University Games kicked off at sports venues across the Latrobe Valley on Tuesday, with teams competing in events ranging from cheerleading to lawn bowls.

The games were open to students from universities and TAFEs in Victoria and Tasmania, with the event expected to bring about 1500 competitors to the area, according to Latrobe City Council event organiser Jess Lloyd.

Ultimate Frisbee was on the fixture, with nine teams competing over four days. Ultimate Frisbee organiser, player and Melbourne University student Jude Mitchell said everyone was excited by the standard of the competition.

“We’re also very pleased to see Holmesglen TAFE in the competition for the first time,” she said.

“It’s a great sport that anyone can play, and Ultimate Victoria is doing a lot to get it into schools as well so we’re seeing a great batch of players coming through.”

When The Express spoke to Mitchell, the competition was running smoothly and the players were having an “awesome time” which was “the main thing”.

For more information about Ultimate Frisbee, visit