Have a crack at Jack Attack



A NEW spin on an ‘old person’s’ game is coming to Traralgon Bowls Club.

Catering to youth and time-poor markets, Jack Attack is poised to revolutionise lawn bowls and bridge the gap between social and competitive players.

In line with shortened formats in other codes, such as twenty20 cricket and fast4 tennis, Jack Attack features two sets of five ends with ‘powerplays’, doubling scores on a nominated end, and tiebreakers if required.

Done and dusted in about an hour, TBC bowls coordinator Chris Le Lievre believes the modified version of the game is the perfect vessel for social bowlers and novices to enjoy the sport.

“A lot of people want to play bowls and they’re interested… but the commitment is a factor, which is why we’ve introduced this, it’s only six weeks, it’s only for just over an hour every Wednesday night,” Le Lievre said.

“With all the Christmas parties and group (functions), we have footy teams and cricket teams in here, I’ve never ever once heard someone say they didn’t enjoy it.

“They all walk away with a smile on their face, some of them might be completely hopeless, but they all enjoy being here hanging out with their mates and having a beer.”

The format is two bowls triples, with up to six members per team in a rotation.

As a non-intensive sport, Le Lievre said there was scope to make it as social or serious as participants see fit.

“A lot of people will love the fact they can win, but the social and fun element is the (main) part,” he said.

“It’s not one of those sports where you have to be involved all the time, there’s a lot of standing around, socialising, chatting, having a drink.

“(For example) a lot of young ladies in their 20s and 30s who might not be into sport, but love having a wine and being outside in the sun and having a quick bite to eat off the barbecue, they can chill out with their girlfriends or come along with their husbands.”

Traralgon Bowls Club will host the first series of Jack Attack starting Wednesday, 25 February at 6pm for six weeks.

Bowls are supplied by the club and members will be on hand to help, with a barbecue to follow.

The cost is $90 per team for the six-week program.

For more information phone Chris Le Lievre on 0419 945 792 or email bowls@traralgonbowls.com.au