PEOPLE searching for work or training opportunities will still have access to Moe’s work and learning centre after the Brotherhood of St Laurence gained continued support.
The State Government has allocated $6.6 million over four years to five work and learning centres across the state, which assist long-term unemployed people.
Brotherhood of St Laurence senior manager of work and learning centres Lisa Patience said the service would focus on supporting public housing residents.
“It is funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, so we have a priority for people with public housing,” Ms Patience said.
“We were always hopeful we would get a commitment from the State Government, so we’re very, very pleased.”
Ms Patience said more than 330 locals have walked through the doors of Moe’s work and learning centre since it opened in August 2012.
That has seen more than 130 jobseekers find employment and an additional 130 people become engaged with an accredited training course.